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Product | 商品 : Unit Price | 单价 : Quantity | 数量 : Total | 总价 :
GLSNow 2023 (Talks are in English with Chinese Subtitles) | (英语演讲/ 附上中文字幕) – On-site promo | 现场特价 $50
GLSNow 2023 (Talks are in English with Chinese Subtitles) | (英语演讲/ 附上中文字幕) $200
Talks for Condoleezza Rice and Anita Elberse S$200
Talk for James Clear S$200
Total Amount Payable | 总额 :    


All of the available* recorded GLS faculty talks, Grander Vision videos as well as discussion guides, session outlines, notes and bonus videos and resources are included in GLSNow. | GLSNOW 包含了峰会所有讲员演讲、更大的愿景视频以及讨论指南、演讲大纲、讲义和额外视频和资源。

*Talk for Condoleezza Rice and Anita Elberse – expire December 2025
*康德黎莎‧萊絲(Condonlezza Rice) 和 安妮塔‧艾伯斯 (Anita Elberse) – 视频链接有效期至2025年12月

Payment via internet banking; - GLS Singapore Ltd | 网上银行付款 : GLS Singapore Ltd

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A/C no 395 303 337 0
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